Monday, December 17, 2012

Children, crafts, and beyond...

Tonight I had an email from a good friend who asked for my thoughts on children and crafts: if my children ever sold their creations when they were young, and whether I have any ideas on what to do if a young child wants to sell some of the crafts she has made...  I've written her back with some of my ideas, but I thought maybe I'd put this question out there for my readers (if I still have any!)  I'd love to hear ideas from those of you who have children as well as those who have been children :-)  Also, I'll post some of the websites and books I have found on this topic as I come across them.   

One website that I just found is a blog, Made by Joel, that is all about doing crafts with kids.  It is more down-to-earth than some of the other sites I found on this topic.

I'm also hoping to begin posting here more often, as I have lots to share about my adventures and mis-adventures in San Francisco...   

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