Sunday, December 16, 2007

Corollary to the "When Mama ain't happy" saying...

I just want to say, when Mama's kids are happy, Mama's happy! So I'm happy today! (See here and here to see why.) The third kid and the two spouses haven't weighed in online, but I'm reasonably sure they are happy, too. (Though I think one of them has a sore throat? I hope her hubby is taking good care of her...)
I'm also happy because we had .88" of rain in the past 24 hours. ("A lot" for us these days is anything more than a quarter of an inch!)


willowlaughter said...

Yay!! We like it when Mama is happy :-)

jwadams said...

And we're definitely happy: we have a decorated Christmas tree, and Emily is arriving tomorrow!